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Assignment #6

This week I have asked you to produce a text to go with your dome image(s). This text can relate to the image in any number of ways. It can background the image, speak from within the world of the image, comment on the image, or set up a completely different narrative or poetic track as that expressed in the image. There are many ways to fulfill this assignment. Please record your text in .wav format so that we can hear your text in class. This week we will review this assignment and began working on simple performance algorilthms.

Assignment #5

We have investigated images projected on the full-dome and begun the process of vetting ideas for the Cosmix show. Everyone in the class should be working on their concept/proposal for the Cosmix show this week. At least, for this class you should have completed an image for the dome, whether or not you had an opportunity to see it on the dome last week. If you haven't done it already, please make a dome image and have it available when we meet this week. You may want to change the image you made to fit any observations you made from seeing images on the dome. This week in class we will work on narrative elements to associate with our images with the idea of constructing a set of works from which to draw for the Cosmix performance. 
We will divide into Cosmix project groups this week and began planning for those projects. I will meet with individuals to discuss their individual written proposals. There has not been enough participation in Tai Chi class, so unfortunately we have had to cancel it for the rest of the semester. If you have the opportunity to learn a tai chi set somewhere, I recommend you take advantage of it, it can be a very usefull and lifelong form of excercise and healthy movement.

Assignment #4

This week we are meeting at the Bishop Planetarium in Bradenton. You will need to find your own transportation to the planetarium. We will look at the images you have made and begin organizing your part of the Cosmix project. If you have not submitted an image for the dome, either bring it with you on your laptop or flash drive or, alternatively put it up on google docs so that I can download it. This will work. Remember black and white may be difficult to see on the dome. I recommend highly saturated colors for best projection. We will see on Wednesday. Expect to meet in the entrance to the museum at 12:30 we will use the dome and an adjoining classroom. It will be cold and windy on Wednesday so prepare to bundle up a bit. Bring something on which to take notes. You may want your laptop if you want to do anything digital.